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This small freeware presents some unusual tools to help in the design of forms, web pages, presentations and other visual materials. The main form is a Tool Bar, presented above, that you can position in a corner of the screen for easy use of the tools. The Tool Bar can be placed as an Icon in the system tray (13K) and, as all the other tools, can be moved freely around the screen and minimized to the task bar.
From the Tool bar you can open the Rule,
to measure horizontal and vertical distances in 7 different units (pixels,
twips, inches, centimeters, himetrics, characters and points); the Magnifier
to enlarge, up to 30 times, any image or text in the screen (you can make
precise measurement and color pick with this tool ); the Angle
Measurement Tool, to measures angles formed by lines in the screen,
in degrees and radians; the Color Mixer/Picker to
mix and pick colors and get the respective codes in 6 systems (RGB,
VB, HTM, CMY, CMYK and HSL) and a small Calculator
with some useful features.
To install the program just run the
and follow the instruction. The setup.exe does not change any of your system
files. The program also does not add or change any registry entry.
To change the size of the Rule use the scroll bar at the upper part of the control form. The size, in the unit you choose, is presented in the lower right corner of the control form. When you change the size of the rule your last measurement is lost. Move the mouse over the Rule and (when the mouse pointer is a cross) click to measure. The result (from the start of the rule to the point where you clicked) will be shown in the bottom right corner of the control form. When the mouse pointer is an arrow, left click and drag to move the Rule over the screen. For precise movement use the arrow keys of the keyboard. Right click to change the
color of the Rule (the color of the
Choose the unit of the measurement clicking in one of the options of the control form or in the Tool Bar. Left click the button at the upper left of the control form to change the orientation (horizontal/vertical) of the Rule. Right click to change the position (above/below or left/right) of the control form. |
You can move the Magnifier Window and the Glass all over the screen by click and drag the forms. For precise movements (1 pixel) click in the Window form or in the border or handle of the Glass and then use the arrow keys of the keyboard. If you clicked in the Magnifier Window prior to use the keyboard, both Magnifier Window and Glass will move. If you clicked in the Magnifier Glass only it will move. Use the bottom scroll bar to increase or decrease the zoom factor. The zoom factor can be change from 1 to more then 30 times You can enlarge or shorten the Magnifier Window by left clicking in the buttons with an "+" and "-" sign at the upper left corner. By right clicking in any of these buttons you will restore the window to its original size. When you enlarge or shorten this window you will also increase or decrease the zoom factor. By left click in the enlarged image of the Magnifier Window you can make precise measurements. Just click in two point (when the mouse pointer is a cross) to have the horizontal (X), vertical (Y) and diagonal (Z) measurements presented at the upper and right part of the form. The unit of measurement will be the unit choose in the Tool Bar or in the Rule. If you change the unit after the measurement the units will be corrected according. You can right click in the enlarged image to pick the color of a pixel. If the Color Mixer/Picker is not visible it will be opened and the codes of the picked color will be shown. |
Angle measurement
tool (Protractor)
You can move the tool all over the screen by clicking in the form (when the mouse pointer is an arrow), and dragging it. To move the tool precisely in the screen you can use the arrow keys of the keyboard for 1 pixel movement. To measure an angle just place the center of the form over the junction of the lines forming the angle and click over the angle scale in the form (when the mouse pointer is a cross). The measured angle will be presented in degrees and radians in the upper part of the form. You can adjust the size of the tool by left clicking in the "+" and "-" button in the upper left corner. Right click in any of these buttons to restore the tool to its original size, You can change the color of this tool to adjust it to different backgrounds, by right clicking in the form. |
Scientific Papers citing/using SCALE Guedes, J.Q.M., 2010. DESIGN,SIMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF A TENDON DRIVE ROBOTIC MANIPULATOR, Master Thesis, PUC/Rio de Janeiro, Brasil MARKING THE AXIS OF ASTIGMATISM FOR THE IMPLANT OF A TORIC INTRAOCULAR LENS (pdf - video) Charalambous, C.P. et all. 2007. Proximal humeral internal locking system (PHILOS) for the treatment of proximal humeral fractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg (2007) 127:205–210 Odunze, M. et all. 2008. Periorbital Aging and Ethnic Considerations: A Focus on the Lateral Canthal Complex. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: 121 (3): 1002-1008 Khoja-Mendwi, R. 2009. Design, Fabrication and Test of an Apparatus to Monitor the Wetting Behaviour of High Service Temperature Brazing Materials. PhD Thesis, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Faria, M.A.R. 2012. CATARATA.
There are three registers: X, Y and Z. The numbers you want to operate shall be entered in X and Y and the result of the operation is presented in Z. The labels in the buttons for operation and for mathematics function are self explanatory. The other button are: X <-> Y sends the content of X to Y and of Y to X Z --> X sends
the content of Z to X, of X to Y and of Y to Z
The two combo box in the right side of the form are for unit conversion. Enter the unit you want to convert in X. Choose the unit of X in the upper combo and the unit you want to convert X to in the lower combo. The result will be presented in Z. To convert to or from character unit, you have to indicate the orientation of the measurement in the lower right corner of the form. For the values of the factor used for conversion see Units of Measurement. |
Color mixer/picker
This Tool presents 3 bottles with the red, green and blue ink, one with black ink and a pool, with the resulting mixed color, below. To add or draw ink from the pool use the small scroll bars at the bottom of each bottle. The amount of ink in each bottle will vary according to the amount added or drawn from the pool. The numeric amount of each color in the pool is shown in the text boxes below the color pool. In the RGB system these numbers can vary from 0 to 255 for each color. You can also enter numeric values in the text boxes. If you want to make a mixed color darken or lighter you can use the black ink. When you "add" black the program actually decreases, by a fixed quantity, the amount of each color in the pool. If you "draw" black, the system increases the quantity of each color. When, in this process, one of the color gets to 0 or 255, before other, the systems inform you (in a label below the text boxes) that the color balance will be changed. Even so you can continue to "mix" black, but the color will not be the same any more. When you press the picker button to, start the Picker, the color just in the top of the mouse pointer will be transferred to the color pool. You can move the mouse all over the screen to pick the color under the mouse. To stop the picker and get the color codes for the color being shown in the pool, press "s" in the keyboard. As this will work only if the Mixer form has the focus, don't click anywhere out of the form borders. If the form lost the focus and you can't stop the picker through the keyboard click any where in the Mixer form and try again. When the Color Mixer/Picker is closed the picker is also deactivated. You can also stop the picker by clicking in the picker button again. In this case you will pick the color of the button ! You can mix the picked color to adjust it to your needs. The combo box at bottom right of the form present the Visual Basic variables for the your system default colors. The color choose is presented in the color pool with the correspondent codes. The color codes are presented in the text box at the right of the form. You can copy any of these codes and paste in your program, HTM page, presentation, draw, etc. Don't forget that, as these color systems are device-dependent, one particular color will not look exactly the same in two different equipment or printers. |
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