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GE-Graph: Graph for GoogleEarth


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GE-Graph: Graph for GoogleEarth
Make graph into GE to illustrate your presentations, papers, etc.
Good tool for Geography educators


v 2.2.21 

  • Installer bug fixed 
  • WindowsVista/7 bug fixed
  • Number of Place Marks increased from 5,000 to 50,000

 GE-Graph was developed to generate graphs from kml files saved by Google Earth.
The data can also be typed into the application or pasted from other applications.
The file generated by GE-Graph can be exported to Google Earth.

  • Make Bars graph
  • Make graph with geometrical shapes (circles, squares, triangles, etc).
  • Set the shape size according to each placemark value
  • Also set the shape color according to a placemark value
  • Graph's title and color scale as GE screen overlays
  • Different choice of label content (place name and/or value)
  • Different color scales to be chosen
  • Paste files from other applications (Word, Excel, Access,...)
  • Export data to Excel
  • Sort and filter placemark data (coordinates, names and value)-not for shape files
  • Save file as  kmz(v 2.1.0)
  • Choose minimum and maximum values for color scale(v 2.1.0)
  • Transform values to square root(v 2.1.0)
  • Compatible with GE4 and kml 2.1(v 2.2.0)
  • Read polygon kml file (territory borders, etc)(v 2.2.0)
  • Draw bars with any regular polygon form(v 2.2.0)
  • Reorder coordinates sequence (if necessary) to show right fill colors(v 2.2.0)
  • Automatic set (and restore on exit)  the decimal separator (if necessary)(v 2.2.0)
  • Custom color scale(v 2.2.0)
  • Choice to position the title and color scale (top/botton)(v 2.2.0)
  • Save and load Options file(v 2.2.0)
  • Compatible with GE 5.0  (v 2.2.2) 
  • Fixed ecGrid.ocx installer bug (v 2.2.2a)

  • Download the full installer of GE-Graph 2.2.21(2287 k) - v. 2.2.21

  • (unzip the file in a temporary folder and run setup.exe)

    If the installer fails to register the ecGrid.ocx control, please register it with Register Dll Tool

  • PayPal


    Download updated executable (104 k) (v 2.2.21)


    Requires vb6 runtimes  and 

    Take a look in the Help File (1.100 k)       Instructions in Chinese -  Instructions en fran�ais   Instructions en fran�ais II

    Screen shot

    Click in the images to download the corresponding .kmz file

    Original files used to draw the graphics (you have to generate random values for fig D, E, F and G): Figures A & B  txt- 13k; Figures C & D  kml 88k (from bbs keyhole - Valery35); Figures E, F & G kml- 2k

    (Download State/province borders of 144 countries, for choropleth maps as Figures C and D)

    C D
    E F
    G H

    Here there are polygon txt files of 144 country's states/provinces border. The text files were generated by GE-Grah, after fixing the polygon coordinates sequence order. The original kml files were published by Valery35 in the bbs keyhole forum  (Education/Tools), where you can find more kml files

    World Country borders (207 k)
    France province borders (882 k)
    Germany province borders (583 k)
    Italy province borders (704 k)
    Brasil state borders (77 k)
    USA state borders (924 k)
    England (1375 k)

    Download state/province borders of 144 countries (2260 k)

    Please report bugs / comment / suggest

    The bug in the installer of the application is fixed in this version (2.2.2a) thanks to the contribution of John Davies

  • R.Sgrillo
    Cocoa Research Center (CEPLAC/CEPEC)
    Ilheus, Bahia